Developers' Resource Center
Step-by-step guides and detailed instructions
for seamless payment gateway integration.
Get started quickly with comprehensive documentation & code examples to simplify the process.
Comprehensive REST API documentation with detailed guidance and illustrative screenshots to ensure seamless payment gateway integration.
At SabPaisa, our customers are our priority. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in our documentation or have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out , we’re here to help!
Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question? We are here to help.
If you see this error, please double-check the Client Transaction ID parameter. We recommend using an ID between 10 to 18 digits.
To fix this error, please reach out to your Account Manager with the details of the issue, they will assist you in enabling the required API version.
An authentication failure typically indicates an issue with your keys. Please ensure that the AuthKey and AuthIV provided by your Account Manager are passed accurate and valid.
If you’re having trouble displaying the response, please verify that the correct URL is set in the callback URL parameter to ensure proper rendering.
For issues related to the Transaction Enquiry API, ensure that all mandatory parameters are correctly passed and verify that the encryption and decryption methods are implemented properly.
For any problems with encryption or decryption, please refer to the AES-128 logic as specified in the reference code provided for your platform.
For issues with the Refund API, please contact your Account Manager for the required documentation and assistance.
If you receive this error, check that the payer name is correctly formatted and free of special characters.
If you see this message, please double-check that all parameters are correct and ensure you’re using the correct SabPaisa request URL.
For transaction-related issues, please write to and we’ll assist you in resolving the matter.